Minimum wage in several nations in Europe (Norway, Denmark and Sweden) is not a
law, but instead an agreement between their high minded national industries and
the workers (unions) have set wages at $19.00 per hour and the government
provides through tax use, complete health sans deductibles, all at no other cost as well as a college education
free of costs to all students . The elected officials, CEO's, workers and
retirees of Sweden, unlike their avarice filled counterparts in the USA, all share the same health care and educational programs. The healthcare plan of the US President, Senate and many appointed White House consulting staff have the best health care on the planet, all of which is anti-constitutional. But, hell, as Bush pointed out, "What is the Constitution? It is just a piece of paper..."
Those are the sort of comments that send people straight to Hades.
Those are the sort of comments that send people straight to Hades.
average CEO of the top 50 Swedish companies makes $1.8 millions per year,
which is about 25 times that of the average employee.That was the rate of pay
in FDR's era. However, in the US the average CEO of the top 50 corporations is
more than $25 million and many reach $40 - $50 million, if bonuses are
included, per year, which is about 500 - 1000 times that of the average
elected officials, CEO's, workers and retirees in America DO NOT share the same
health and educational plans. The cost for the workers is a hugely higher
percent of their income than that of the elected officials and CEO's.
talented Americans who are qualified, are thinking of moving to nations like
Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, etc. where workers are
treated with respect and are sought after. Those considering moving with which
I have spoken say they are doing so for the their children’s future and because
of the hostility of many elected officials and corporations, and especially of
banks and bankers and the ease at which Wall Streeter’s, bankers and war
criminals steal and slaughter with impunity from Americans ands other nations
and because they feel that their children will be safer and have a better, more
peaceful life, just as our ancestors moved from Italy to America during the US
Civil 140 years ago for the same reasons.
is fast becoming what Germany was in the 1920's - 1940's. We have prayed for
another FDR, but our prayers were not fulfilled.
have sat on boards of directors and watched as corporations allowed boards to
give incredibly high salaries and bonuses to CEO's which were not only not
earned but stolen from shareholders, because boards and CEO's allow their
executives to swap places sitting on each others boards their conspiratorial
breaking of the RICO ACT is ignored. If it were not, most CEO's and board
members would be in jail as well as fined. Fining alone for corporations and
executives is a minimal and acceptable cost to them, because most of the time
the corporation pays, thus the board members and executives steal from both the
shareholders and employees, also with impunity. This has to stop.
The reality as shown by many studies of IQ, creativity and evidence of a working consciense, is that American CEO's are far down the list of High IQ's and/or creativity, and that working concience. There ranks ahead of them, among many others, the following: Professors, scientists, Doctors, Priests, ministers and rabbi's, Professional football coaches, the IQ and creativity of the CEO's of industries of Sweden, Denmark and Norway, professional authors, movie producers, Shakespearean actors, several frogs, and a good many avocados, my left shoehorn, several dead peony flowers, and many others.
Jimmy Cater was president when the Gas/Oil companies attempted to raise prices
from $7.00 per barrel to $25.00 per barrel, he hit them with a Windfall Profit
tax and capped oil at $8.00 - $10.00 a barrel. After the election in 2008 the
price of gas dropped from about $5.00 per gallon to in December 2008 to $1.44
out of fear that Obama, then newly elected, would emulate Carter.
did nothing and the oil companies
started testing the waters by raising the prices a bit then backing down
until they were certain he was really no Democrat. Once finally convinced that
he was on their side, they went hog wild. Moreover, interest on savings, always
the most popular and helpful source of the middle class discretionary income
has been intentionally dried up, and is allowing the bankers to keep that $350
- $545 billions a year, in addition to the $850 billions a month the FED is
giving them since Obama’s election is draining even those among the upper
middle class, whose pensions (in Illinois and elsewhere) are under attack by
corporations and even Democrats.)
may soon be lost forever along with FDR’s Invention of the Middle Classs.
Emeritus Peter Bagnolo
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