1)-Keep guns out of their hands
2)-Keep ammunition for guns out of their
3)-Place bounties on their heads, men, women
and children included, make them all in the eyes of the nation like. Oh, I
don’t know, ah, “Terrorists” and make laws to that effect and call all those
who aided them in any way also “terrorists”, in the language of the 19th
century, of course.
4)-Fence off the land
5)-Slaughter their food, clothing and tools
sources, the American Bison/Buffalo.
6)-Slaughter as many of them as possible,
whether or not the natives were armed, especially the females. The fewer
females, the fewer babies, the fewer babies, fewer warriors.
7)-deny them medical care.
8)-Recognizing that the natives hailed from a
non-money, non-job, non-farming, economy, and would not fit in, so they
destroyed them and more than 100 years later they have never fully recovered.
90% of the natives died over the period of a few hundred years, most of them
during the 19th to early 20th century.
9)- Oh, yes, and lastly, hired free lance, real terrorists, to kill as many American Natives as they possibly could. The rest they would imply let die, as many in politics are doing to YOU right now.
9)- Oh, yes, and lastly, hired free lance, real terrorists, to kill as many American Natives as they possibly could. The rest they would imply let die, as many in politics are doing to YOU right now.
Are typical of the rest of the world, especially here in the "Good ole USA!" FASCISM, even in many cases, HITLERISM reigns.
Then look west and east, north and south, first to the last
president from Texas, then at the present president from Chicago. Look to the
religious leaders who tell these men they are “just doing their jobs” (as Hitler
just did his?)
Ever wondered how it was possible for the entire western
world to begin to practice “austerity”, throwing away the pensions of
corporations, cities, states and government workers, disabling teachers,
destabilizing their functionality, making them the targets of malcontents,
druggies, the envious, the jealous, the scum of the earth, that suddenly after
stealing all the oil from Iraq, and then, oddly, watching gas prices quadruple,
and go to 9,000 % profit. Watch as the Mayor of Chicago grinds its working class into the ground, steals the city out from under them with a renewal of the "Trusts" wiped out by Teddy Roosevelt.
Look at the Poppy fields stolen from Afghanistan, which the Taliban had shut down, after many visits to the Crawford Ranch asking for a grant to do away with the drugs and form an agrarian economy, and now after the Cheney/Bush takeover, supplemented by Obama,having overturned the Taliban's banning of opium planting, thanks to Bush and Obama, Afghanistan is now the largest exporter of Heroin and opium on the planet.
Look also to the raping of Africa for its minerals, and Syria and Libya for their minerals, look at the constant wars, the incompetence of the Legalized Addictive Poisonous Drug/Pharmaceutical companies, physicians, the greed of the hospitals and their investors, and after lowering the interest rates on savings to near zero, robbing the middle class of even the minimal 5% interest on savings which brought the middle class more than $225 billion per year, and would today bring the market $385 Billions per year, think of how much that discretionary income would aid and grow the jobs market, after both Obama and the congress as Romney, hypocritically never mentioning HOW the below details of how to really build jobs - and there is only one clinical, and infallible solution to the failed jobs market.
Look at the whining, dull witted, CEO's who complain about worker wages, pensions and other benefits, while in Sweden, all health care is free with no deductibles and so is college and the minimum wage, at $19.00+ is more than twice what it is in America twice that of American workers and they are in far better financial shape than America.
Want to know why? Their CEO's make 25 times the average Compensation Packages of employees, while here the average CEO's Compensation Package is 750 to 1500 (Fifteen hundred times) that of the average employee, and why? Here are some clues, "You sit on my board of directors and I will sit on yours and we give each other outrageous salaries and benefits."
Any amount more than 25 times the 25 times the average Compensation Packages of employees, is nothing less than stealing from investors. I have sat on boards, and I was not very popular in that role. The truth is CEO's lead the world in the lowest IQ but High salary. Who ranks ahead of them in IQ? Scientists, Professors, Airline pilots, generals, architects, engineers, union leaders, (though of late they too are rapidly falling), Doctors-(Though their IQ's also are rapidly falling), quarterbacks, movie directors and producers, talent agents, comedians, movie actors, talk show hosts, and a few avocado's and even a frog or two, and a pet rock.
Oddly enough it is a very, very, simple thing to turn the economy around. In fact I, have written to, and/or called the White House open line every month since Obama was elected about the solution to that easy to solve problem. (That is unless you have the morality of a hunk of mud and the brain of a flea.) Do you believe that only I hold this view? Well, it is simple math, the more money the people have the more. The more people working making good incomes, or those in retirement with good pensions, and good interest paid on savings, the more discretionary cash is available, and spent or invested.
The president well knows as does his opponent: The ONLY way to create good paying jobs, IS to place EXCISE TAXES ON ALL OUTSOURCED JOBS AND ALL IMPORTS, THAT BRING THE COST OF BOTH, HIGHER than THE COST American, DOMESTIC MANUFACTURED GOODS! And those who ignore that ARE going to Hell, regardless of what their priest, minister, or other churchman tells them, regardless of what their bishop, or other religious hierarchy says, and as Dante' said, "There are more Red Hats in Hell than there are imaginable, including kings, and murderers."
Look at the Poppy fields stolen from Afghanistan, which the Taliban had shut down, after many visits to the Crawford Ranch asking for a grant to do away with the drugs and form an agrarian economy, and now after the Cheney/Bush takeover, supplemented by Obama,having overturned the Taliban's banning of opium planting, thanks to Bush and Obama, Afghanistan is now the largest exporter of Heroin and opium on the planet.
Look also to the raping of Africa for its minerals, and Syria and Libya for their minerals, look at the constant wars, the incompetence of the Legalized Addictive Poisonous Drug/Pharmaceutical companies, physicians, the greed of the hospitals and their investors, and after lowering the interest rates on savings to near zero, robbing the middle class of even the minimal 5% interest on savings which brought the middle class more than $225 billion per year, and would today bring the market $385 Billions per year, think of how much that discretionary income would aid and grow the jobs market, after both Obama and the congress as Romney, hypocritically never mentioning HOW the below details of how to really build jobs - and there is only one clinical, and infallible solution to the failed jobs market.
Look at the whining, dull witted, CEO's who complain about worker wages, pensions and other benefits, while in Sweden, all health care is free with no deductibles and so is college and the minimum wage, at $19.00+ is more than twice what it is in America twice that of American workers and they are in far better financial shape than America.
Want to know why? Their CEO's make 25 times the average Compensation Packages of employees, while here the average CEO's Compensation Package is 750 to 1500 (Fifteen hundred times) that of the average employee, and why? Here are some clues, "You sit on my board of directors and I will sit on yours and we give each other outrageous salaries and benefits."
Any amount more than 25 times the 25 times the average Compensation Packages of employees, is nothing less than stealing from investors. I have sat on boards, and I was not very popular in that role. The truth is CEO's lead the world in the lowest IQ but High salary. Who ranks ahead of them in IQ? Scientists, Professors, Airline pilots, generals, architects, engineers, union leaders, (though of late they too are rapidly falling), Doctors-(Though their IQ's also are rapidly falling), quarterbacks, movie directors and producers, talent agents, comedians, movie actors, talk show hosts, and a few avocado's and even a frog or two, and a pet rock.
Oddly enough it is a very, very, simple thing to turn the economy around. In fact I, have written to, and/or called the White House open line every month since Obama was elected about the solution to that easy to solve problem. (That is unless you have the morality of a hunk of mud and the brain of a flea.) Do you believe that only I hold this view? Well, it is simple math, the more money the people have the more. The more people working making good incomes, or those in retirement with good pensions, and good interest paid on savings, the more discretionary cash is available, and spent or invested.
The president well knows as does his opponent: The ONLY way to create good paying jobs, IS to place EXCISE TAXES ON ALL OUTSOURCED JOBS AND ALL IMPORTS, THAT BRING THE COST OF BOTH, HIGHER than THE COST American, DOMESTIC MANUFACTURED GOODS! And those who ignore that ARE going to Hell, regardless of what their priest, minister, or other churchman tells them, regardless of what their bishop, or other religious hierarchy says, and as Dante' said, "There are more Red Hats in Hell than there are imaginable, including kings, and murderers."
Do you, even for one moment, believe this is all coincidence? If
so you are being fooled. The phony “Debt” BS, you think that is real? The Buying with
YOUR money by the FED of all the losses of the banks (at $40 billions a MONTH every single month, with your Money!) And at the same time,
letting them strip you of interest earnings on your lifelong savings, jobs,
pensions? I asked the people of Ice Land if they agreed with my article, and if so, I said "Jail the bankers and tell the "Austerity" minded to go where they will end up anyway, straight to HELL! And They DID IT! But you do not see any bankers going to jail or "Austerity" minded people hiding in any church basements, do you? I wonder why?
Do you believe the lies of both the president and his opponent about growing jobs? The president has signed 900 Executive Orders, he can just as easily sign one more, and as as did FDR, shame congress by instead of GIVING your money to the bankers, making them richer while you are being drained by gas, electric, and oil, land prices being sold at 7500% profits by greedy “builders,” bankers, real estate agencies, the appraisers-(all of whom should be in jail). Mr. President, if you want my vote sign an executive order firing Bernanke, up the interest rates to 5% and slam the excise tax on imports and outsourcing jobs, which I recommended below
Do you believe the lies of both the president and his opponent about growing jobs? The president has signed 900 Executive Orders, he can just as easily sign one more, and as as did FDR, shame congress by instead of GIVING your money to the bankers, making them richer while you are being drained by gas, electric, and oil, land prices being sold at 7500% profits by greedy “builders,” bankers, real estate agencies, the appraisers-(all of whom should be in jail). Mr. President, if you want my vote sign an executive order firing Bernanke, up the interest rates to 5% and slam the excise tax on imports and outsourcing jobs, which I recommended below
You see, the American government realized and stated as plainly as they could in false hypocritical language, without saying so straightaway, that, as far as they were concerned,
the Hell with those who are not very technically skilled, especially those which were saddled with conscience.
Many Americans are retired, many work at what the government and industry sees as lacking in intellect and skills needed in a non-manufacturing a world, which spirit was inspired by men like Adolph Hitler, sooooo, they did what they did to the American native, they simply:
Many Americans are retired, many work at what the government and industry sees as lacking in intellect and skills needed in a non-manufacturing a world, which spirit was inspired by men like Adolph Hitler, sooooo, they did what they did to the American native, they simply:
1)-Keep guns out of their hands
2)-Keep ammunition for guns out of their
3)-Place bounties on their heads, men, women
and children included, make them all in the eyes of the nation like. Oh, I
don’t know, ah, “Terrorists” and make laws to that effect and call all those
who aided them in any way also “terrorists”, in the language of the 19th
century, of course!
4)-Fence off the land
5)-Slaughter their food, clothing and tools
sources, the American Bison/Buffalo.
6)-Slaughter as many of them as possible,
whether or not the natives were armed, especially the females. The fewer
females, the fewer babies, the fewer babies, fewer warriors.
7)-deny them medical care.
8)-Recognizing that the natives hailed from a
non-money, non-job, non-farming, economy, and would not fit in, so they
destroyed them and more than 100 years later they have never fully recovered.
90% of the natives died over the period of a few hundred years, most of them
during the 19th to early 20th century.
These are no accident, no “coincidence”. I am
a scientist, and we do not believe in coincidence. Every single event that has
ever occurred on Planet Earth, except “Acts of God” have been conspiracies,
because that is what humans do, they plan and they execute those plans, be they
small plans or enormous ones, and they keep most of those plans secret. Anyone
who has ever played the stock market, or a hedge fund, or went to war, ought to know that. Keep in mind that when a nation has no draft, driving people out of work, forces many in order to survive to take the only job available, soldiering.
Those who deny that or calls that a
“conspiracy theory" are people of an incredible lack of experience in the world
of business, war and/or government, and is immensely poorly informed, or galacticly
stupid, and should therefore shut the Hell up, before they show their ignorance
to the entire planet and then some.
Now reread the first paragraph of this
article. See any resemblance between it and what followed just below it? Those who do not are either on drugs or got hit in the head far too many times with a
blunt instrument.
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